Object with some utils functions for date including formating

Lib.Sys.DateTools.format(d, f)

Format the date d according to the format f. The format is
compatible with the strftime standard format. Some formats are not supported.

t = Lib.Sys.DateTools.format(Lib.Sys.Date.now(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
-- 2016-07-08_14:44:05

t = Lib.Sys.DateTools.format(Lib.Sys.Date.now(), "%r")
-- 02:44:05 PM

t = Lib.Sys.DateTools.format(Lib.Sys.Date.now(), "%T")
-- 14:44:05

t = Lib.Sys.DateTools.format(Lib.Sys.Date.now(), "%F")
-- 2016-07-08

d - Date object

f - string format


Returns the number of days in the month of Date d.
This method handles leap years.

d - Date object

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