Defines a bitmap fill. The bitmap can be smoothed, repeated or tiled to fill the area; or manipulated using a transformation matrix.

Use a GraphicsBitmapFill object with the Graphics.drawGraphicsData() method. Drawing a GraphicsBitmapFill object is the equivalent of calling the Graphics.beginBitmapFill() method.

Can be created using method new:, matrix, repeat, smooth)

Creates a new GraphicsBitmapFill object.

bitmapData - (default = nil) - A transparent or opaque bitmap image that contains the bits to display. (BitmapData)

matrix - (default = nil) - A matrix object (of the Matrix object), which you use to define transformations on the bitmap.

repeat - (default = true) - If true, the bitmap image repeats in a tiled pattern. If false, the bitmap image does not repeat, and the edges of the bitmap are used for any fill area that extends beyond the bitmap.

smooth - (default = false) - If false, upscaled bitmap images are rendered using a nearest-neighbor algorithm and appear pixelated. If true, upscaled bitmap images are rendered using a bilinear algorithm. Rendering that uses the nearest-neighbor algorithm is usually faster.

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