An abstract base object for all lens objects. Lens objects provides a projection matrix that transforms 3D geometry to normalized homogeneous coordinates.

Subobjects: FreeMatrixLens, ObliqueNearPlaneLens, OrthographicLens, OrthographicOffCenterLens, PerspectiveLens, PerspectiveOffCenterLens

Inherited from EventDispatcher.

Created LensBase object has properties:


The distance to the far plane of the frustum. Float


Retrieves the corner points of the lens frustum. Vector array of Floats


The projection matrix that transforms 3D geometry to normalized homogeneous coordinates. (Matrix3D)


The distance to the near plane of the frustum. Float


[read-only] (Matrix3D)



Creates an exact duplicate of the lens


Calculates the normalised position in screen space of the given scene position relative to the camera. (Vector3D)

point3d - the position vector of the scene coordinates to be projected. (Vector3D)

unproject(nX, nY, sZ)

Calculates the scene position relative to the camera of the given normalized coordinates in screen space.(Vector3D)

nX - The normalised x coordinate in screen space, -1 corresponds to the left edge of the viewport, 1 to the right. Float

nY - The normalised y coordinate in screen space, -1 corresponds to the top edge of the viewport, 1 to the bottom. Float

sZ - The z coordinate in screen space, representing the distance into the screen. Float

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