MD2Parser provides a parser for the MD2 data type.

Additional information:

Inherited from ParserBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:, ignoreTexturePath)

Creates a new MD2Parser object.

textureType - String, file type if material name has no extension (png, jpg, etx),  default "jpg

ignoreTexturePath - Bool, ignore texture path, default true

Created object has methods:


Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.

Returns whether or not the given file type is supported. true/false

extension - String, The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.


Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.

Returns whether or not the given data is supported. true/false

data - The data block to potentially be parsed.

Static property:


Int, The specified duration of the frame in milliseconds: 1000/FPS, default 6 frames

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