The Multitouch object manages and provides information about the current environment's support for handling contact from user input devices, including contact that has two or more touch points (such as a user's fingers on a touch screen). When a user interacts with a device such as a mobile phone or tablet with a touch screen, the user typically touches the screen with his or her fingers or a pointing device. While there is a broad range of pointing devices, such as a mouse or a stylus, many of these devices only have a single point of contact with an application. For pointing devices with a single point of contact, user interaction events can be handled as a mouse event, or using a basic set of touch events (called "touch point" events). However, for pointing devices that have several points of contact and perform complex movement, such as the human hand.

Use the Multitouch object to determine the current environment's support for touch interaction, and to manage the support of touch interaction if the current environment supports touch input.

You cannot create a Multitouch object directly from Lua Script code. If you call new Multitouch(), an exception is thrown.

Has static properties:


Identifies the multi-touch mode for touch and gesture event handling. (MultitouchInputMode)


[read-only] The maximum number of concurrent touch points supported by the current environment.


[read-only] A Vector array (a typed array of string values) of multi-touch contact types supported in the current environment.


[read-only] Indicates whether the current environment supports gesture input, such as rotating two fingers around a touch screen.


[read-only] Indicates whether the current environment supports basic touch input, such as a single finger tap.

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