Plane3D with ABCD coefficients 

Can be created using method new:, b, c, d)

Create a Plane3D with ABCD coefficients 

a - The A coefficient of this plane. (Also the x dimension of the plane normal) Default 0

b - The B coefficient of this plane. (Also the y dimension of the plane normal) Default 0

c - The C coefficient of this plane. (Also the z dimension of the plane normal) Default 0

d - The D coefficient of this plane. (Also the inverse dot product between normal and point) Default 0

Created Plane3D object has properties:


The A coefficient of this plane.


The B coefficient of this plane.


The C coefficient of this plane.


The D coefficient of this plane.


classifyPoint(p, epsilon)

Classify a point against this Plane3D. (in front, back or intersecting)  Returns int: PlaneClassification.FRONT or PlaneClassification.BACK or PlaneClassification.INTERSECT

p - Vector3D.

epsilon - Number, default 0.01


Returns the signed distance between this Plane3D and the point p.

p - Vector3D.

fromNormalAndPoint(normal, point)

Fills this Plane3D with the coefficients from the plane's normal and a point in 3d space.

normal - Vector3D.

point - Vector3D.

fromPoints(p0, p1, p2)

Fills this Plane3D with the coefficients from 3 points in 3d space.

p0 - Vector3D.

p1 - Vector3D.

p2 - Vector3D.


Normalize this Plane3D. Returns normalized Plane3D object.


Returns string representation of Plane3D

public constants:


0 indicates the ANY alignment of the plane


1 indicates the XY alignment of the plane


3 indicates the XZ alignment of the plane


2 indicates the YZ alignment of the plane

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