This Library provides advanced methods on Strings. If the first argument to any of the methods is nil, the result is


Static methods:


Encode an URL by using the standard format.

s - String


Decode an URL using the standard format.

s - String

Lib.Str.htmlEscape(s, quotes)

Escapes HTML special characters of the string `s`.

The following replacements are made:

- `&` becomes `&amp`;

- `<` becomes `&lt`;

- `>` becomes `&gt`;

If `quotes` is true, the following characters are also replaced:

- `"` becomes `&quot`;

- `'` becomes `&#039`;

s - String

quotes - true/false


Unescapes HTML special characters of the string `s`.

This is the inverse operation to htmlEscape, i.e. the following always

holds: `Lib.Str.htmlUnescape(Lib.Str.htmlEscape(s)) == s`

The replacements follow:

- `&amp;` becomes `&`

- `&lt;` becomes `<`

- `&gt;` becomes `>`

- `&quot;` becomes `"`

- `&#039;` becomes `'`

s - String

Lib.Str.startsWith(s, start)

Tells if the string `s` starts with the string `start`.

If `start` is `nil`, the result is unspecified.

If `start` is the empty String `""`, the result is true.

s - String

start - int, start position

Lib.Str.endsWith(s, end)

Tells if the string `s` ends with the string `end`.

If `end` is `nil`, the result is unspecified.

If `end` is the empty String `""`, the result is true.

s - String

end - int, end position

Lib.Str.isSpace(s, pos)

Tells if the character in the string `s` at position `pos` is a space.

A character is considered to be a space character if its character code is 9,10,11,12,13 or 32.

If `s` is the empty String `""`, or if pos is not a valid position within `s`, the result is false.

s - String

pos - int, position


Removes leading space characters of `s`.

This function internally calls `Lib.Str.isSpace()` to decide which characters to remove.

If `s` is the empty String `""` or consists only of space characters, the result is the empty String `""`.

s - String


Removes trailing space characters of `s`.

This function internally calls `Lib.Str.isSpace()` to decide which characters to remove.

If `s` is the empty String `""` or consists only of space characters, the result is the empty String `""`.

s - String


Removes leading and trailing space characters of `s`.

This is a convenience function for `Lib.Str.ltrim(Lib.Str.rtrim(s))`.

s - String

Lib.Str.lpad(s, c, l)

Concatenates `c` to `s` until `s` length is at least `l`.

If `c` is the empty String `""` or if `l` does not exceed `s` length, `s` is returned unchanged.

If `c` length is 1, the resulting String length is exactly `l`.

Otherwise the length may exceed `l`.

If `c` is nil, the result is unspecified.

s - String

c - String

l - int, length limit

Lib.Str.rpad(s, c, l)

Appends `c` to `s` until `s` length is at least `l`.

If `c` is the empty String `""` or if `l` does not exceed `s` length, `s` is returned unchanged.

If `c` length is 1, the resulting String length is exactly `l`.

Otherwise the length may exceed `l`.

If `c` is nil, the result is unspecified.

s - String

c - String

l - int, length limit

Lib.Str.replace(s, sub, by)

Replace all occurrences of the String `sub` in the String `s` by the String `by`.

If `sub` is the empty String `""`, `by` is inserted after each character of `s`. If `by` is also the empty String `""`, `s` remains unchanged.

This is a convenience function for `Lib.Str.join(Lib.Str.split(s, sub), by)`.

If `sub` or `by` are nil, the result is unspecified.

s - String

sub - String, for replacement

by - String, replaced to

Lib.Str.hex(n, digits)

Encodes `n` into a hexadecimal representation.

The resulting String is padded with "0" until its `length` equals `digits`

n - int, number for encode

digits - int, 0 padded limit


Returns a String that can be used as a single command line argument on Unix.

The input will be quoted, or escaped if necessary.

argument - String

Lib.Str.quoteWinArg(argument, escapeMetaCharacters)

Returns a String that can be used as a single command line argument on Windows.

The input will be quoted, or escaped if necessary, such that the output will be parsed as a single argument using the rule specified in



Lib.Str.quoteWinArg("abc") == "abc"

Lib.Str.quoteWinArg("ab c") == '"ab c"'


Lib.Str.join(st, sep)

Returns a string representation of `st` table of String values, with `sep` separating each element.

If `st' not a table of Strings,  the result is unspecified.

The result of this operation is equal to `Lib.Str.string(st[1]) + sep + Lib.Str.string(st[2]) + sep + ... + sep + Lib.Str.string(st[#st])`

If `st` is the empty table `{}`, the result is the empty String `""`.

If `st` has exactly one element, the result is equal to a call to `Lib.Str.string(st[1])`.

If `sep` is nil, the result is unspecified.

st - table of Strings

sep - String separator


Converts any value to a String.

If `s` is of `String`, `Int`, `Float` or `Bool`, its value is returned.

If `s` is an instance of a Lib object and that class or one of its parent objects has a `toString` method, that method is called. If no such method is present, the result is unspecified.

If `s` is an enum constructor without argument, the constructor's name is returned. If arguments exists, the constructor's name followed by the String representations of the arguments is returned.

If `s` is a structure, the field names along with their values are returned. The field order and the operator separating field names and values are unspecified.

If s is nil, "nil" is returned.

s - any value with type Lib compatible.


Converts a `String` to an `Int`.

Leading whitespaces are ignored.

If `x` starts with 0x or 0X, hexadecimal notation is recognized where the following digits may contain 0-9 and A-F.

Otherwise `x` is read as decimal number with 0-9 being allowed characters. `x` may also start with a - to denote a negative value.

In decimal mode, parsing continues until an invalid character is detected, in which case the result up to that point is returned. For hexadecimal notation, the effect of invalid characters is unspecified.

Leading 0s that are not part of the 0x/0X hexadecimal notation are ignored, which means octal notation is not supported.

If the input cannot be recognized, the result is `nil`.

x - String


Converts a `String` to a `Float`.

The parsing rules for `parseInt` apply here as well 

Additionally, decimal notation may contain a single `.` to denote the start of the fractions.

x - String

Lib.Str.split(s, delimiter)

Splits `s` String at each occurrence of `delimiter`.

If `s` String is the empty String `""`, the result is `{}`.

If `delimiter` is the empty String `""`, `s` String is split into an table of `s` length elements, where the elements correspond to the characters of `s` String.

If `delimiter` is not found within `s` String, the result is an table with one element, which equals `s` String.

If `delimiter` is nil, the result is unspecified.

Otherwise, `s` String is split into parts at each occurrence of `delimiter`. If `s` String starts (or ends) with `delimiter`, the result table contains a leading (or trailing) empty String `""` element.

Two subsequent delimiters also result in an empty String `""` element.

s - String

delimiter - Delimiter String


The number of characters in `s` String.

s - String


Returns a String where all characters of `s` String are upper case.

Affects the characters `a-z`. Other characters remain unchanged.

s - String


Returns a String where all characters of `s` String are lower case.

Affects the characters `A-Z`. Other characters remain unchanged.

s - String

Lib.Str.charAt(s, index)

Returns the character at position `index` of `s` String.

If `index` is negative or exceeds `s` length, the empty String `""`

is returned.

s - String

index - int, position

Lib.Str.charCodeAt(s, index)

Returns the character code at position `index` of `s` String.

If `index` is negative or exceeds `s` length, `nil` is returned.

Note that this only works on String literals of length 1.

s - String

index - int, position

Lib.Str.indexOf(s, str, startIndex)

Returns the position of the leftmost occurrence of `str` within `s` String.

The search is performed within the substring of `s` String starting from `startIndex`.

If `str` cannot be found, -1 is returned.

s - String

str - String, for search

startIndex - int, starting position (0)

Lib.Str.lastIndexOf(s, str, startIndex)

Returns the position of the rightmost occurrence of `str` within `s` String.

The search is performed within the substring of `s` String from 0 to `startIndex`.

If `str` cannot be found, -1 is returned.

s - String

str - String, for search

startIndex - int, starting position (0)

Lib.Str.substr(s, pos, len)

Returns `len` characters of `s` String, starting at position `pos`.

If `pos` is negative, its value is calculated from the end of `s` String by `s` length + `pos`. If this yields a negative value, 0 is used instead.

If the calculated position + `len` exceeds `s` length, the characters from that position to the end of `s` String are returned.

If `len` is negative, the result is unspecified.

s - String

pos - int, position

len - int, length

Lib.Str.substring(s, startIndex, endIndex)

Returns the part of `s` String from `startIndex` to but not including `endIndex`.

If `startIndex` or `endIndex` are negative, 0 is used instead.

If `startIndex` exceeds `endIndex`, they are swapped.

If the (possibly swapped) `endIndex` is omitted or exceeds `s` length, `s` length is used instead.

If the (possibly swapped) `startIndex` exceeds `s` length, the empty String `""` is returned.

s - String

startIndex - int, starting position (0)

endIndex - int, ending position (0)


Returns the String corresponding to the character code `code`.

If `code` is negative or has another invalid value, the result is unspecified.

code - int, char code


Returns parsed from url String object with fields:

url : String

source : String

protocol : String

authority : String

userInfo : String

user : String

password : String

host : String

port : String

relative : String

path : String

directory : String

file : String

query : String

anchor : String

url - URL String

Static values:


Character codes of the characters that will be escaped by `Lib.String.Tools.quoteWinArg(...., true)

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