luac − Lua compiler

luac is the Lua compiler. It translates programs written in the Lua programming language into binary files containing precompiled chunks that can be later loaded and executed. More information about luac you can get from here:

luac part of Lua, written on C and embedded in Lib functionality. Can be used like:

Lib.Tool.luac({"-o", "D:\\Temp\\test.luac", "D:\\Temp\\test.lua"})

All function arguments packed in single table value. Order of placing arguments inside table: {[ options ] [ filenames ]}

List of available options: 

 −l produce a listing of the compiled bytecode for Lua's virtual machine. Listing bytecodes is useful to learn about Lua's virtual machine. If no files are given, then luac loads luac.out and lists its contents. Use −l −l for a full listing.

−o "file" output to file, instead of the default luac.out. (You can use "'−'" for standard output, but not on platforms that open standard output in text mode.) The output file may be one of the given files because all files are loaded before the output file is written. Be careful not to overwrite precious files.

−p load files but do not generate any output file. Used mainly for syntax checking and for testing precompiled chunks: corrupted files will probably generate errors when loaded. If no files are given, then luac loads luac.out and tests its contents. No messages are displayed if the file loads without errors.

−s strip debug information before writing the output file. This saves some space in very large chunks, but if errors occur when running a stripped chunk, then the error messages may not contain the full information they usually do. In particular, line numbers and names of local variables are lost.

−v show version information.

−− stop handling options.

stop handling options and process standard input. 


local status, err = pcall(Lib.Tool.luac, {"-o", "D:\\Temp\\test.luac", "D:\\Temp\\test.lua"})

WARNING: Lua JIT doesn't work with luac.

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