BoundingSphere represents a spherical bounding volume defined by a center point and a radius. This bounding volume is useful for point lights. 

Inherited from BoundingVolumeBase.

Can be created using method new:

Creates a new BoundingSphere object

Created BoundingSphere object has properties:


[read-only] The radius of the bounding sphere, calculated from the contents of the entity.



Clones the current BoundingVolume object 


Method for calculating whether the given position is contained within the bounding volume. Returns true/false

position - Vector3D, The position in local coordinates to be checked. 

fromExtremes(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ)

Sets the bounds to the given extrema.

minX - The minimum x value of the bounds

minY - The minimum y value of the bounds 

minZ - The minimum z value of the bounds

maxX - The maximum x value of the bounds

maxY - The maximum y value of the bounds

maxZ - The maximum z value of the bounds 

fromSphere(center, radius)

Sets the bound to fit a given sphere.

center - Vector3D, The center of the sphere to be bounded

radius - Number, The radius of the sphere to be bounded 

isInFrustum(planes, numPlanes)

Tests if the bounds are in the camera frustum. Returns true/false

planes - table of Plane3D objects

numPlanes - number of planes to test


Sets the bounds to zero size.

rayIntersection(position:Vector3D, direction:Vector3D, targetNormal:Vector3D):Number

Method for calculating whether an intersection of the given ray occurs with the bounding volume. Returns  ray entry distance or -1.

position -Vector3D, The starting position of the casting ray in local coordinates.

direction - Vector3D, A unit vector representing the direction of the casting ray in local coordinates.

targetNorma - Vector3D, The vector to store the bounds' normal at the point of collision

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