BytesBuffer object
Can be created with new method: |
Creates BytesBuffer object |
Has property:
length |
[read only] The length of the buffer in bytes. |
add(src) |
addByte(byte) |
byte - Int |
addBytes(src, pos, len) |
src - Bytes, pos - position, len - length |
addDouble(v) |
v - Double/Float. |
addFloat(v) |
v - Float. |
addInt32(v) |
v - Int. |
addInt64(v) |
v - Int64. |
addString(v) |
v - String. |
getBytes() |
Returns either a copy or a reference of the current bytes. Once called, the buffer should no longer be used. |
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Free EPub and documentation generator