Low level Bytes library object for manipulating bytes data 

Can be created using allocation, BytesData or from string:


create Bytes by allocation length number of bytes

length - Bytes size


Returns the Bytes representation of the given BytesData.

b - BytesData object


create Bytes from string

string - text to convert to Bytes object


bytes1 = Lib.Sys.IO.Bytes.alloc(10)

bytes2 = Lib.Sys.IO.Bytes.ofString("test")

Created Bytes object has methods and read-only length property:


Bytes size


return string from Bytes


return hex string


returns table of bytes object, BytesData.

getString(pos, len)

return string starting from requested position pos and limited by len size

pos - string position in Bytes object

len - string size to return

fill(pos, len, byte_value)

fill Bytes with byte_value starting from pos and len size

pos - start position for fill method

len - how many integer values to fill

byte_value - byte fill value

sub(pos, len)

copy len bytes from position pos into new Bytes object

pos - start position

len - how many bytes to copy

blit(pos, srcBytes, srcPos, len)

blit len bytes from srcBytes object starting from srcPos to pos position

pos - position blit to

srcBytes - source Bytes object

srcPos - position blit from

len - blit size


get byte value from selected position pos

pos - byte position

set(pos, byte_value)

set byte_value to position pos

pos - byte position

byte_value - byte set value


Returns 0 if the bytes of this instance and the bytes of other are identical.

Returns a negative value if the length of this instance is less than the length of other, or a positive value if the length of this instance is greater than the length of other.

In case of equal lengths, returns a negative value if the first different value in other is greater than the corresponding value in this instance; otherwise returns a positive value.

other - other bytes to compare


local bytes = Lib.Sys.IO.Bytes.alloc(5)

print(bytes.length) -- 5



print(bytes.toString()) -- AACCC

print(bytes.toHex()) -- 4141434343

print(bytes.getString(2, 3)) -- CCC

local bytes2 = bytes.sub(0, 2)

print(bytes2.toString()) -- AA


print(bytes.get(0)) -- 69

bytes.blit(2, bytes2, 0, 2)

print(bytes.toString()) -- EAAAC

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