Geometry is a collection of SubGeometries, each of which contain the actual geometrical data such as vertices, normals, uvs, etc. It also contains a reference to an animation object, which defines how the geometry moves. A Geometry object is assigned to a Mesh, a scene graph occurence of the geometry, which in turn assigns the SubGeometries to its respective SubMesh objects.

Inherited from NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Created Geometry object has properties:


[read-only] String


[read-only] A collection of SubGeometry objects, each of which contain geometrical data such as vertices, normals, etc. Vector array of ISubGeometry: (CompactSubGeometry), (SubGeometry)



Adds a new SubGeometry object to the list.

subGeometry - The SubGeometry object to be added. ISubGeometry: (CompactSubGeometry), (SubGeometry)


transform - (Matrix3D)


Clones the geometry.


Updates the SubGeometries so all vertex data is represented in different buffers.


Clears all resources used by the Geometry object, including SubGeometries.


Removes a new SubGeometry object from the list.

subGeometry - The SubGeometry object to be removed. ISubGeometry: (CompactSubGeometry), (SubGeometry)


Scales the geometry.

scale - The amount by which to scale.

scaleUV(scaleU, scaleV)

Scales the uv coordinates (tiling)

scaleU - (default = 1) - The amount by which to scale on the u axis. Default is 1

scaleV - (default = 1) - The amount by which to scale on the v axis. Default is 1

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