This object can be used to handle Http requests consistently across platforms. There are two intended usages:

Creates a new Http instance with url as parameter.

This does not do a request until request() is called.

If url is nil, the field url must be set to a value before making the call to request(), or the result is unspecified.

url - url for http request


make http request with url and return result as string

url - url for http request

Settings properties:


if request require proxy settings. Can be set once:

Lib.Sys.Net.Http.PROXY = { host = 'String', port = 8080, auth = { user = 'String', pass = 'String' } }

table with fields:

{ host = String, port = Int, auth = { user = String, pass = String } } 

Created object has properties:


socket timeout



if true do not shutdown socket



response result in string

responseData, string


The url of this request. It is used only by the request() method and can be changed in order to send the same request to different target Urls.



return http response headers map

library map object (check Examples how to get response header values)

Created object methods:


Add the header identified as header to value value.

If header or value are nil, the result is unspecified.
This method provides a fluent interface.

header - header key

value - header key value

addParameter(param, value)

Add the parameter identified as param to value value.

If header or value are nil, the result is unspecified.
This method provides a fluent interface.

param - parameter key

value - parameter key value


Sends this Http custom request to the Url specified by .url using sock Socket object.

If post is true, the request is sent as POST request, otherwise it is sent as method request. If method is nil then post will identify request method.

Response will stream to api Output object.

post - true/false method POST

api - Output object, can be FileOutput, BytesOutput

sock - Socket object

method - string GET, POST, PUT, etc.

fileTransfer(argnamefilenamefilesize, mimeType)

Prepare file info for http transfer using file Input stream including filename, size and mimeType information. Additional argname will be added as multipart form-data name.

argname -  multipart form-data name (Content-Disposition: form-data; name="argname")

filename - file name

file - Input Object, can be FileInput, BytesInput

mimeType - sting mime type, usually application/octet-stream 


This method is called upon a successful request, with data containing the result string.

The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function:

httpInstance.onData = function(data)



data - request result text


This method is called upon a successful request, with data containing the result Bytes.

The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function:

httpInstance.onBytesData = function(bytes)



bytes - request result bytes


This method is called upon a request error, with msg containing the error description.

The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function:

httpInstance.onError = function(msg)



msg - error text


This method is called upon a Http status change, with status being the new status.

The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function:

httpInstance.onStatus = function(status)



status - status code


Sends this Http request to the Url specified by .url.

If post is true, the request is sent as POST request, otherwise it is sent as GET request.

Depending on the outcome of the request, this method calls the onStatus(), onError() or onData() callback functions.

If .url is nil, the result is unspecified.

If .url is an invalid or inaccessible Url, the onError() callback function is called.

post - true/false method POST


Sets the header identified as header to value value.
If header or value are nil, the result is unspecified.
This method provides a fluent interface.

header - header key

value - header key value


Sets the parameter identified as param to value value.
If header or value are nil, the result is unspecified.
This method provides a fluent interface.

param - parameter key

value - parameter key value


Sets the post data of this Http request to data bytes. 

There can only be one post data per request. Subsequent calls to this method or to setPostData() overwrite the previously set value.

If data is nil, the post data is considered to be absent.

This method provides a fluent interface.

data - Bytes, data to be posted.


Sets the post data of this Http request to data.

There can only be one post data per request. Subsequent calls overwrite the previously set value.

If data is nil, the post data is considered to be absent.

This method provides a fluent interface.

data - string, data to be posted

NOTE: Http object doesn't support automatic redirects. Use URLLoader for this.


url = ''

print( 'Sending http request to '..url )

r = url )

r.onData = function(data)

 local respHeaders = r.responseHeaders

 local keys = respHeaders.keys() 

 while keys.hasNext() do

   local key =




r.onBytesData = function(bytes)

  print("bytes length: "..bytes.length)

  print("first byte: "..bytes.get(0))


r.onError = print


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