The Rectangle Texture class represents a 2-dimensional texture uploaded to a rendering context.

Defines a 2D texture for use during rendering.

Texture cannot be instantiated directly. Create instances by using Context3D createRectangleTexture() method.


Uploads a texture from a BitmapData object.

source - BitmapData object.

uploadFromByteArray(data, byteArrayOffset)

Uploads a texture from a ByteArray.

data - a byte array that is contains enough bytes in the textures internal format to fill the texture. rgba textures are read as bytes per texel component (1 or 4). float textures are read as floats per texel component (1 or 4). The ByteArray object must use the little endian format.

byteArrayOffset - the position in the byte array object at which to start reading the texture data.

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