The Scene3D object represents an independent 3D scene in which 3D objects can be created and manipulated. Multiple Scene3D instances can be created in the same application. Scene management happens through the scene graph, which is exposed using addChild and removeChild methods. Internally, the Scene3D object also manages any space partition objects that have been assigned to objects in the scene graph, of which there is at least 1.

Inherited from EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:

Creates a new Scene3D object.

Created Scene3D object has properties:


[read-only] The amount of children directly contained by the scene.


The root partition to be used by the Scene3D. (Partition3D)



Adds a child to the scene's root. Return (ObjectContainer3D)

child - The child to be added to the scene (ObjectContainer3D)


Return Boolean

child - (ObjectContainer3D)


Retrieves the child with the given index. Return (ObjectContainer3D)

index - The index for the child to be retrieved. Int


Removes a child from the scene's root.

child - The child to be removed from the scene.  (ObjectContainer3D)


Removes a child from the scene's root.

index - Index of child to be removed from the scene. Int


Sends a PartitionTraverser object down the scene partitions

traverser - The traverser which will pass through the partitions. (PartitionTraverser)

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