A WireframeSphere primitive mesh

Inherited from: WireframePrimitiveBase -> SegmentSet -> Entity -> ObjectContainer3D -> Object3D -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher

Can be created with method new:

Lib.Away3D.Primitives.WireframeSphere.new(radius, segmentsW, segmentsH, color, thickness)

Creates a new WireframeSphere object.

radius - Number, The radius of the sphere. Default 50,

segmentsW - Int, Defines the number of horizontal segments that make up the sphere. Default 16

segmentsH - Int, Defines the number of vertical segments that make up the sphere. Default 12

color - Int, The colour of the wireframe lines. Default 0xFFFFFF

thickness - Number, The thickness of the wireframe lines. Default 1

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