The EntityNode object provides an abstract base object for leaf nodes in a partition tree, containing entities to be fed to the EntityCollector traverser. The concrete subtype of Entity is responsible for creating a matching subtype of EntityNode.

Inherited from NodeBase.

Created EntityNode object has propertes:


[read-only] The entity contained in this leaf node. (Entity)



[override] Allows the traverser to visit the current node.

traverser - The traverser visiting the node. (PartitionTraverser)

isInFrustum(planes, numPlanes)

[override] Return Boolean

planes - Vector array of (Plane3D)

numPlanes - Int

isIntersectingRay(rayPosition, rayDirection)

[override] Tests if the current node is intersecting with a ray. Return Boolean

rayPosition - The starting position of the ray (Vector3D)

rayDirection - The direction vector of the ray (Vector3D)


Detaches the node from its parent.

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