The NodeBase object is an abstract base object for any type of space partition tree node. The concrete subtype will control the creation of its child nodes, which are necessarily of the same type. The exception is the creation of leaf entity nodes, which is handled by the Partition3D object.

Created NodeBase object has properties:


[read-only] The parent node. (NodeBase)





Allows the traverser to visit the current node.

traverser - The traverser visiting the node. (PartitionTraverser)


Finds the partition that contains (or should contain) the given entity. Return (NodeBase)

entity - (Entity)

isInFrustum(planes, numPlanes)

Tests if the current node is at least partly inside the frustum. Return Boolean.

planes - The raw data of the view projection matrix. :Vector array of (Plane3D)

numPlanes - Int

isIntersectingRay(rayPosition, rayDirection)

Tests if the current node is intersecting with a ray.

rayPosition - The starting position of the ray (Vector3D)

rayDirection - The direction vector of the ray (Vector3D)

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