A SoftKeyboardEvent object is dispatched when a software-driven keyboard is activated or de-activated on a device or operating system. A SoftKeyboardEvent object is dispatched by a TextField or InteractiveObject that has the needsSoftKeyboardproperty set to true.

Inherited from Event.

Can be created with method new:

Lib.Media.Events.SoftKeyboardEvent.new(type, bubbles, cancelable, relatedObjectVal, triggerTypeVal)

Creates an event object that contains information about soft keyboard activation and de-activation events.

type - The type of the event as a constant value (such as SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE). Event listeners can access this information through the inherited type property.

bubbles - Determines whether the Event object participates in the bubbling phase of the event flow. Event listeners can access this information through the inherited bubbles property.

cancelable - Determines whether the Event object can be canceled. Event listeners can access this information through the inherited cancelable property. 

relatedObjectVal - A reference to a display list object (InteractiveObject) that is related to the event.

triggerTypeVal - Indicates whether the keyboard event was triggered by an application or user.

Created SoftKeyboardEvent object has properties:


A reference to a display list object that is related to the event.


[read-only] Indicates whether the change in keyboard status has been triggered by an application (such as programmatic use of requestSoftKeyboard()) or by the user (such as selecting a text field).



Creates a copy of a SoftKeyboardEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original.


Returns a string that contains all the properties of the SoftKeyboardEvent object.

Event types:


The SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property SoftKeyboardEvent object when a soft keyboard is displayed.


The SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING constant defines the value of the type property SoftKeyboardEvent object immediately before a soft keyboard is displayed.


The SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property SoftKeyboardEvent object when a soft keyboard is lowered or hidden.

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