TextureMultiPassMaterial is a multi-pass material that uses a texture to define the surface's diffuse reflection colour (albedo).

Inherited from MultiPassMaterialBase -> MaterialBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:

Lib.Away3D.Materials.TextureMultiPassMaterial.new(texture, smooth, repeat, mipmap, anisotropy)

Creates a new TextureMultiPassMaterial.

texture - (default = nil) - The texture used for the material's albedo color. (Texture2DBase)

smooth - (default = true) - Indicates whether the texture should be filtered when sampled. Boolean. Defaults to true.

repeat - (default = false) - Indicates whether the texture should be tiled when sampled. Boolean. Defaults to true.

mipmap - (default = true) - Indicates whether or not any used textures should use mipmapping. Boolean. Defaults to true.

anisotropy - (Anisotropy)

Created TextureMultiPassMaterial object has properties:


The texture object to use for the ambient colour. (Texture2DBase)


Specifies whether or not the UV coordinates should be animated using a transformation matrix. Boolean


The texture object to use for the albedo colour. (Texture2DBase)

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