TextureMaterial is a single-pass material that uses a texture to define the surface's diffuse reflection colour (albedo).

Inherited from SinglePassMaterialBase -> MaterialBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:

Lib.Away3D.Materials.TextureMaterial.new(texture, smooth, repeat, mipmap, anisotropy)

Creates a new TextureMaterial.

texture - (default = nil) - The texture used for the material's albedo color. (Texture2DBase)

smooth - (default = true) - Indicates whether the texture should be filtered when sampled. Boolean. Defaults to true.

repeat - (default = false) - Indicates whether the texture should be tiled when sampled. Boolean. Defaults to true.

mipmap - (default = true) - Indicates whether or not any used textures should use mipmapping. Boolean. Defaults to true.

anisotropy - (Anisotropy)

Created TextureMaterial object has properties:


The alpha of the surface.


The texture object to use for the ambient colour. (Texture2DBase)


Specifies whether or not the UV coordinates should be animated using IRenderable's uvTransform matrix. Boolean


The texture object to use for the albedo colour. (Texture2DBase)

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