A Camera3D object represents a virtual camera through which we view the scene.

Inherited from Entity -> ObjectContainer3D -> Object3D -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:


Creates a new Camera3D object

lens - (default = nil) - An optional lens object that will perform the projection. Defaults to PerspectiveLens. (LensBase)

Created Cemera3D object has properties:


[override] [read-only] String


[read-only] Vector array of (Plane3D)


The lens used by the camera to perform the projection (LensBase)


[read-only] The view projection matrix of the camera. (Matrix3D)


getRay(nX, nY, sZ)

Calculates the ray in scene space from the camera to the given normalized coordinates in screen space. (Vector3D)

nX - The normalised x coordinate in screen space, -1 corresponds to the left edge of the viewport, 1 to the right. Float

nY - The normalised y coordinate in screen space, -1 corresponds to the top edge of the viewport, 1 to the bottom. Float

sZ - The z coordinate in screen space, representing the distance into the screen. Float


Calculates the normalised position in screen space of the given scene position. (Vector3D)

point3d - the position vector of the scene coordinates to be projected. (Vector3D)

unproject(nX, nY, sZ)

Calculates the scene position of the given normalized coordinates in screen space.

nX - The normalised x coordinate in screen space, -1 corresponds to the left edge of the viewport, 1 to the right. Float

nY - The normalised y coordinate in screen space, -1 corresponds to the top edge of the viewport, 1 to the bottom. Float

sZ - The z coordinate in screen space, representing the distance into the screen. Float

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