A particle animation node that controls the rotation of a particle to always face the camera.

Inherited from ParticleNodeBase -> AnimationNodeBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher

Can be created using method new:


Creates a new ParticleBillboardNode

billboardAxis - Vector3D (default = nil)

Created ParticleBillboardNode object has methods:

getAGALVertexCode(pass, animationRegisterCache)

[override] Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the vertex shader.

pass - (MaterialPassBase)

animationRegisterCache - (AnimationRegisterCache)


return ParticleBillboardState object

animator - IAnimator can be one of ParticleAnimator, SkeletonAnimator, SpriteSheetAnimator, UVAnimator, VertexAnimator

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