Provides an interface for assigning paricle-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be automatically updated or manually triggered. Requires that the containing geometry of the parent mesh is particle geometry
Inherited from AnimatorBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.
Can be created with method new: |
Creates a new ParticleAnimator object. |
particleAnimationSet - The animation data set containing the particle animations used by the animator. (ParticleAnimationSet) |
Created ParticleAnimator object has methods:
clone() |
Returns a shallow clone (re-using the same IAnimationSet) of this IAnimator. ParticleAnimator |
dispose() |
[override] |
resetTime(offset) |
offset - Int (default = 0) |
setRenderState(stage3DProxy, renderable, vertexConstantOffset, vertexStreamOffset, camera) |
Sets the GPU render state required by the animation that is dependent of the rendered object. |
stage3DProxy - The Stage3DProxy object which is currently being used for rendering. renderable - The object currently being rendered. SegmentSet, SkyBox, Sprite3D, SubMesh vertexConstantOffset - The first available vertex register to write data to if running on the gpu. Int. vertexStreamOffset - The first available vertex stream to write vertex data to if running on the gpu. Int. camera - Camera3D object |
start() |
[override] Resumes the automatic playback clock controling the active state of the animator. |
testGPUCompatibility(pass) |
Verifies if the animation will be used on cpu. |
pass - MaterialPassBase object |
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