A particle animation node used to control the color variation of a particle over time.

Inherited from ParticleNodeBase -> AnimationNodeBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher

Can be created using method new:

Lib.Away3D.Animators.Nodes.ParticleColorNode.new(mode, usesMultiplier, usesOffset, usesCycle, usesPhase, startColor, endColor, cycleDuration, cyclePhase)

Creates a new ParticleColorNode.

mode - Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node. (ParticlePropertiesMode)

usesMultiplier - (default = true) - usesMultiplier Defines whether the node uses multiplier data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.

usesOffset - (default = true) - usesOffset Defines whether the node uses offset data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.

usesCycle - (default = false) - usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration property in the shader to calculate the period of the animation independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.

usesPhase - (default = false) - usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the cycle rotation of the particle. Defaults to false.

startColor - (default = nil) - startColor Defines the default start color transform of the node, when in global mode. (ColorTransform)

endColor - (default = nil) - endColor Defines the default end color transform of the node, when in global mode. (ColorTransform)

cycleDuration - (default = 1) - cycleDuration Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.

cyclePhase - (default = 0) - cyclePhase Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.

Created ParticleColorNode has methods:

getAGALVertexCode(pass, animationRegisterCache)

[override] Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the vertex shader.

pass - (MaterialPassBase)

animationRegisterCache - (AnimationRegisterCache)


Return (ParticleColorState)

animator - IAnimator can be one of ParticleAnimator, SkeletonAnimator, SpriteSheetAnimator, UVAnimator, VertexAnimator

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