A Plane primitive mesh.

Inherited from PrimitiveBase -> Geometry -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:

Lib.Away3D.Primitives.PlaneGeometry.new(width, height, segmentsW, segmentsH, yUp, doubleSided)

Creates a new Plane object.

width - (default = 100) - The width of the plane.

height - (default = 100) - The height of the plane.

segmentsW - (default = 1) - The number of segments that make up the plane along the X-axis.

segmentsH - (default = 1) - The number of segments that make up the plane along the Y or Z-axis.

yUp - (default = true) - Defines whether the normal vector of the plane should point along the Y-axis (true) or Z-axis (false). Boolean

doubleSided - (default = false) - Defines whether the plane will be visible from both sides, with correct vertex normals. Boolean

Created PlaneGeometry object has properties:


Defines whether the plane will be visible from both sides, with correct vertex normals (as opposed to bothSides on Material). Boolean


The height of the plane.


The number of segments that make up the plane along the Y or Z-axis, depending on whether yUp is true or false, respectively.


The number of segments that make up the plane along the X-axis.


The width of the plane.


Defines whether the normal vector of the plane should point along the Y-axis (true) or Z-axis (false). Boolean

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