SpriteSheetMaterial is a material required for a SpriteSheetAnimator if you have an animation spreaded over more maps and/or have animated normalmaps, specularmaps

Inherited from TextureMaterial -> SinglePassMaterialBase -> MaterialBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:

Lib.Away3D.Materials.SpriteSheetMaterial.new(diffuses, normals, speculars, smooth, repeat, mipmap)

Creates a new SpriteSheetMaterial required for a SpriteSheetAnimator.

diffuses - Table of Texture2DBase. One or more Texture2DBase representing the diffuse information of the spritesheets. Must hold at least 1 diffuse.

normals - Table of Texture2DBase. One or more Texture2DBase representing the normal information of the spritesheets. Default is null. If not null, must hold same amount of textures as diffuses. Default nil.

speculars -Table of Texture2DBase. One or more Texture2DBase representing the specular information of the spritesheets. Default is null. If not null, must hold same amount of textures as diffuses. Default nil.

smooth - True/False. Material smoothing. Default true

repeat - True/False. Material repeat. Default false

mipmap - True/False. Material mipmap. Default true

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