A Cube primitive mesh.

Inherited from PrimitiveBase -> Geometry -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:

Lib.Away3D.Primitives.CubeGeometry.new(width, heigh, depth, segmentsW, segmentsH, segmentsD, tile6)

Creates a new Cube object.

width - (default = 100) - The size of the cube along its X-axis.

height - (default = 100) - The size of the cube along its Y-axis.

depth - (default = 100) - The size of the cube along its Z-axis.

segmentsW - (default = 1) - The number of segments that make up the cube along the X-axis.

segmentsH - (default = 1) - The number of segments that make up the cube along the Y-axis.

segmentsD - (default = 1) - The number of segments that make up the cube along the Z-axis.

tile6 - (default = true) - The type of uv mapping to use. When true, a texture will be subdivided in a 2x3 grid, each used for a single face. When false, the entire image is mapped on each face. Boolean

Created CubeGeometry object has properties:


The size of the cube along its Z-axis.


The size of the cube along its Y-axis.


The number of segments that make up the cube along the Z-axis.


The number of segments that make up the cube along the Y-axis.


The number of segments that make up the cube along the X-axis.


The type of uv mapping to use.


The size of the cube along its X-axis.

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