ResourceDependency represents the data required to load, parse and resolve additional files ("dependencies") required by a parser, used by ResourceLoadSession.
Can be created with method new:, req, data, parentParser, retrieveAsRawData, suppressAsset3DEvents) |
Creates ResourceDependency object |
id - String, req - URLRequest, data - Data object, parentParser - ParserBase, retrieveAsRawData - true/false (false), suppressAsset3DEvents - true/false (false) |
Created object has properties:
assets |
[read-only] table of IAssets interface based objects (AnimationNodeBase, AnimationSetBase, AnimatorBase, BitmapDataAsset, EffectMethodBase, Geometry, LightPickerBase, MaterialBase, Mesh, ObjectContainer3D, ShadowMapMethodBase, Skeleton, SkeletonPose, TextureProxyBase) |
data |
[read-only] The data containing the dependency to be parsed, if the resource was already loaded. |
dependencies |
[read-only] Table of ResourceDependency. A list of dependencies that need to be loaded and resolved for the object being parsed. |
id |
[read-only] String |
parentParser |
[read-only] ParserBase, The parser which is dependent on this ResourceDependency object. |
request |
[read-only] URLRequest. |
retrieveAsRawData |
[read-only] true/false |
suppresAssetEvents |
[read-only] true/false |
resolve() |
Resolve the dependency when it's loaded with the parent parser. For example, a dependency containing an ImageResource would be assigned to a Mesh instance as a BitmapMaterial, a scene graph object would be added to its intended parent. The dependency should be a member of the dependencies property. |
resolveFailure() |
Resolve a dependency failure. For example, map loading failure from a 3d file |
resolveName(asset) |
Resolve the dependencies name. Returns asset name |
asset - IAssets interface based objects (AnimationNodeBase, AnimationSetBase, AnimatorBase, BitmapDataAsset, EffectMethodBase, Geometry, LightPickerBase, MaterialBase, Mesh, ObjectContainer3D, ShadowMapMethodBase, Skeleton, SkeletonPose, TextureProxyBase) |
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