FresnelSpecularMethod provides a specular shading method that is stronger on shallow view angles. 

Inherited from CompositeSpecularMethod -> BasicSpecularMethod -> LightingMethodBase -> ShadingMethodBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:, baseSpecularMethod)

Creates a new FresnelSpecularMethod object.

basedOnSurface - Bool, true default. Defines whether the fresnel effect should be based on the view angle on the surface (if true), or on the angle between the light and the view.

baseSpecularMethod - BasicSpecularMethod, nil default. The specular method to which the fresnel equation. Defaults nil to BasicSpecularMethod.

Has properties:


Number. The power used in the Fresnel equation. Higher values make the fresnel effect more pronounced. Defaults to 5.


Number. The minimum amount of reflectance, ie the reflectance when the view direction is normal to the surface or light direction.


Bool. Defines whether the fresnel effect should be based on the view angle on the surface (if true), or on the angle between the light and the view.

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