A UV Cylinder primitive mesh.

Inherited from PrimitiveBase -> Geometry -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:

Lib.Away3D.Primitives.TorusGeometry.new(radius, tubeRadius, segmentsR, segmentsT, yUp)

Creates a new Torus object.

radius - (default = 50) - The radius of the torus.

tubeRadius - (default = 50) - The radius of the inner tube of the torus.

segmentsR - (default = 16) - Defines the number of horizontal segments that make up the torus.

segmentsT - (default = 8) - Defines the number of vertical segments that make up the torus.

yUp - (default = true) - Defines whether the torus poles should lay on the Y-axis (true) or on the Z-axis (false). Boolean

Created TorusGeometry object has properties:


The radius of the torus.


Defines the number of horizontal segments that make up the torus.


Defines the number of vertical segments that make up the torus.


The radius of the inner tube of the torus.


Defines whether the torus poles should lay on the Y-axis (true) or on the Z-axis (false). Boolean

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