NearShadowMapMethod provides a shadow map method that restricts the shadowed area near the camera to optimize shadow map usage. This method needs to be used in conjunction with a NearDirectionalShadowMapper.

Inherited from SimpleShadowMapMethodBase -> ShadowMapMethodBase -> ShadingMethodBase -> NamedAssetBase -> EventDispatcher.

Can be created using method new:, fadeRatio)

Creates NearShadowMapMethod object.

baseMethod - The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades (fe: HardShadowMapMethod, SoftShadowMapMethod)

fadeRatio - Number, The amount of shadow fading to the outer shadow area. A value of 1 would mean the shadows start fading from the camera's near plane.

Has properties:


The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades (fe: HardShadowMapMethod, SoftShadowMapMethod)


Number, The amount of shadow fading to the outer shadow area. A value of 1 would mean the shadows start fading from the camera's near plane.

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